Next to crafting a costume – wich consits of getting the fitting fabrics, sewing, searching for a decent wig, styling this wig and doing make-up-tests – there is another beautiful aspect to cosplay to express a costume. Photography. While making a costume it’s the feeling of success, which makes us grow and proud. The feeling of bringing something – that’s only 2D – to life. Cosplay Photography is the chance of capturing the character on photos or - sometimes even videos – to bring them to life fully. You come together with friends and create something memorable! Cosplay Photography is very colourful. To make it short: There are no limits in imagination. On this page you can find all the relevant costumes and shootings we did. These include cosplay costumes, themed shootings, fashion shootings and own designs.
If there are several photosets for a costume then you may find it in the related content section below the main content. We ordered our stuff per fandom and year - every thumbnail has a little description. You can also browse our works by years.