The rising of the shield hero especially catched our interest, as the main character Naofumi was such a charismatic smartass despite all the bad stuff people did to him in the beginning of the series. He's a cool guy with a brain who does things his way and he looks after the people who are treated badly by others such as Raphtalia and Filo-chan.
Also after a long time without making any new costumes, we wanted to do something really typical isekai-anime and roleplaying type-ey for a change. It was a lot of fun making and wearing those costumes!
The cute little Filo-chan we took pictures with is Elena Nishida who we spontaneously met at Dokomi in Düsseldorf and spent some time with.
Shingeki no Kyojin - Levi & HangeShingeki no Kyojin attacked us! And we had to give in an cosplay as Levi and Hanji! Beware of lots of in-character fooling around.