We had all the stuff at home and we don't like the babyblue Destiny Islands uniforms so we invented Twilight Highschool which is of course flaming red :D. There are also girl's uniforms. It was a beautiful and warm february's day and we just wanted to go out and take some funny pictures.
Kingdom Hearts 2 - Twilight Town GangTwilight Town Gang! The best day ever was with our best friends back then. Everyone fitted the characters so perfectly~
Axel and Roxas - Port RoyalNothin is better than a KH2 Port Royal version. Nothing. It's cool. It's hot and a lot of fun! We had the best KH group ever.
Kingdom Hearts 2 - Axel and RoxasWith these two costumes a long era of KH2 cosplays followed. We just could'nt get enough of those two!
K project - small worldSaruMi during their middle-school time! We wanted to create the feeling of "their small world" through our photos. We hope you like it!
Gackt - MizerableGackts clothes he wore during the Arena interview during the early Mizerable-Period.