
Durarara CMV

Our first real cosplay music video! It features the story of Mikado's, Masaomi's and Anri's secrets and their friendship.

Durarara!! - Masaomi & Izaya (Kuroshitsuji Style)

Masaomi and Izaya Kuroshitsuji Style! :D We liked both series, but the characters of Drrr!! more so we merged both.

Durarara!! - Masaomi & Saki

Since Majin loved Masaomi so much, her wish was granted and Kayleigh cosplayed as his cute girlfriend Saki. <3

Durarara!! - Masaomi & Mikado

Durarara!!-Trio! We had the pleasure to cosplay together with our lovely Anri AND our cute Otaku Erika.

Durarara!! - Shizuo & Izaya (school)

What could be more fun as Izaya & Shizuo? Izaya and Shizuo in their Raijin days!

Durarara!! - Shizuo & Izaya

Iiiiiizayyyyaaaaaaa + Shizuo-chan were 24/7 of fun! Simple cosplays, but GREAT characters to play. And we played a lot. ;)