Shiki - Natsuno & Toru


Connichi 2010
Franky, Andy K

Under normal circumstances we wouldn't have watched Shiki, but we liked the genre very much! So much, that we continued to read the manga after the anime was finished. The story is so dark and intriguing that you want to know what happens next or who dies next. You just can't stop. It has these dark and sad atmosphere around it.

We decided to do Natsuno and Toru because of their friendship and inner turmoil. Toru doesn't want to hurt him, but has too for various reasons. And Natsuno can't push him away.

The costumes were a bit difficult to make. Majin had to fight with the pattern for the coat and I had to search for the fitting shirt pattern! In the end, we managed really great. :D Except for the scarf, I really like the outcome.

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