Servamp - Halloween Greed Pair


Halloween 2016

Happy Halloween guys! While we were in a serious Servamp "flash" last half of 2016 we even cosplayed the halloween version of those two from the manga. We thought these costumes to be too ridiculous to even make them... but.. ahhh.. I dunno. Somehow we did!

This was my first try on open chest binding and even as it didn't turn out as bad as I feared it would, I'd never wear it for a convention XD It's really too embarassing and naked for me!

But for the Halloween day at home it was cool and fun. You have to imagine.. we got up in the morning and bought some additional equipment and then we dressed up and had a whole shooting day by ourselves without a photographer. We tried different things around the house, listened to Halloween music and later on filmed a few stupid videos.

It was a fun day!

I especially love Hyde's metal collar I bought for him. It's... sexy. Licht loves it too :D

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