So this is the start of our brand new homepage

So! I wouldn't be a programmer if I would not constantly try to test my knowledge in my private life. And trying out all the cool stuff at home is always best with our homepage. Countless times our layout changed, but now we wanted to completely change the way our content is presented.So this is the result I achieved during the months - a new responsive design and a new URL which describes us much better than the old one. (Sure in some photos you will still see the old watermark, but that's because we don't have time to overwork hundreds of old pictures. 

It's really difficult to upload all of our stuff again because it costs so much time and we didn't even keep the old homepage up to date either. But with the new system uploading new costumes will be much easier so we will hopefully be up to date as soon as possible. 

We will use this blog to post progress, news, tutorials and WIPs! SO look forward to our new stuff and inventions and of course - photos.


Recent Blogposts

Majin's picture
09/18/2014 - 22:20

Do you want to know what we're up to this winter for the next cosplay season?

Kayleigh's picture
09/16/2014 - 22:29

Right before Connichi we managed to get our very own first Coscards. It had been very hard to chose the pictures plus settling for a cover.

Majin's picture
09/15/2014 - 22:15

Hi guys!

Majin's picture
04/06/2014 - 11:16

Hey guys! Today I want to tell you about our new appartment we'll be living in soon. So, my dad is building up a two family house.