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The new layout is lovely! *stares in jealousy* It looks a little stretched on my wide screen monitor, but it still looks very stylish! And I love the smilies! choco Chocobo!

awesome layout!!! I love it!! Kai(boyfriend) says its pretty!! man you guys are like the best cosplayers i have heard about so far!! PLEASE dont think my a little crazy person because i scare lots of people when i comment on them =^.^= vivi2

[FONT=tahoma]your new layout looks great!
you two are like freaking great! [/FONT]

Congrats on the revap! 8D

It looks lovely!

I really love your guy's Yu Gi Oh cosplay
I found you both on dA through a friend and have fallen in love with all of your cosplays.
I cant wait to see more of your cosplays.

Congrats on the new lay-out. I think it looks beautiful!
Honestly; I think thi lay-out matches your personalities far better than the previous KH one. It looks more professional as well. (Always a nice touch of course ;))

You two are incredible! It's great to have a place to see your works ^^ The new layout is really beautiful. Congrats! Keep it up!

Die seite ist sehr gelungen.

und >3 ich liebe euch beide <3 vivi2

You guys was so cool!

Love your guys' cosplay! :D
